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Isfahan Lug Frequently Asked Questions

What is a LUG?

#;; A Linux User Group or Linux Users' Group (LUG) is a private, generally non-profit or not-for-profit organization that provides support and/or education for Linux users, particularly for inexperienced users. #;;

Why LUGs are established & What are the goals of these groups

#;; Linux User Groups (LUGs) are gathered to support Free-softwares and Gnu/Linux users . They are also chartered to gather a large number of active Gnu/Linux Users who encourage new users for adopting Free-softwares and Open-source ones. #;;

InstallFest ??? What's that ?

#;; An Installfest (a portmanteau of installation and festival) is an event, generally sponsored by a local Linux User Group, university or LAN party, at which people get together to do mass installations of Linux and other open source software. #;;

Why should we use FreeSoftware and OpenSource ones?

#;; This kind of softwares are developed by groups and also they use the codes and experiences of each other which may thousands of people take part in developing them! Due to easy access to these softwares and the possibility of download from the Internet, a huge number of users can make use of them easily! Admittedly these make bugs to be found and let the main developer teams or people who are fond of debugging solve the problems rapidly. Therefore these softwares grow fast and you can have softwares with better and in other words high quality! On the other hand you can make use of others experiences and be familiar with the new technology of programming. #;;

Is anybody permitted to earn from free software

The word “free” in free software does not mean that these kinds of software are free of charge. Everyone can earn money from his/her own software, but what matters, is the usual low price of free software, however, the support costs too much. Actually The high price of support causes the properties of a commercial software for you which lets you have the properties of a free software such as freedom in issue (distribution) and revise and the long-life usage!

Who supports the group financially?

The group is financially independent and uses no governmental sources! For holding seminars and conferences, members or some private companies take part in financial support!

How can I help the group?

By holding seminars you can share your experiences and knowledge with others or by gathering some people (members) on an special subject you can form a subset! If you are an agent of a company or an organization you can donate to the group.

How can I be a normal member of LUG?

Each person who joins IsfahanLUG is considered a normal member of LUG after five sessions and then he/she can complete a membership form. If before completing those five sessions some one holds a seminar, he/she will be confirmed then as a member

How can I be an senior member?

There is a mark opted for calculating each member activity in the group. If a member reaches 50 he/she will be recognized as a senior member automatically. An elder member ought to have a personal page as a qualification (prerequisite) at the group website to add his/her information there. He/she also must be a Linux user!